LAHS Family

The LAHS Family is like  the branches of a tree which grow in different directions with the same roots that ground us with strength and love.

This family dreams, protects, grows, appreciates, learns, gives and believes in the all round development of the students.

Children come into the world genetically endowed with human potential for growing  , developing and learning. The teachers have an exciting opportunity to interact with them and stimulate the development of their human potential through careful and thoughtful technique.

Leadership Team

Anuradha Sawant

Anuradha holds an ECCed degree and apart from being a passionate preschool educator herself for over two decades,she also heads the Pre-primary department at our Little Angels’ High School.

A learner herself , she is an enthusiastic teacher and never misses an opportunity to  explore and push her boundaries. After attending several teacher training programmes and Leadership training she ensures to inspire her team of teachers to mould the children with a holistic approach following the Theme Based learning pedagogy. She believes that each child is a learner and needs to think , reason and solve problems by themselves. She regards each parent as a valuable resource to  the school and involves each one of them through different activities . Her main  focus over the past years has been to guide and motivate the teachers to  build a conducive classroom environment focusing on 3 aspects  –rapport , resources and environment.

Sai Sudha

Sai Sudha Narayanan holds a B.Sc , M.Ed degree and  has been an educator for the past three decades. She joined this Institution as a teacher and currently heads the Secondary section. Her forte is integrating values in the curriculum.She believes in the perfection that exists in each individual , which can be manifested through right guidance .She believes in imbibing values of courage , honesty and the spirit to work hard in all the students. 

She values collaborative learning, positive relationships and capacity building amongst students to effectively allow them to engage in the world of the future. She aims to ensure the blossoming of human excellence in the lives of all students.

Sonali Singh

An Educator for over  two decades heads the Primary section of LAHS. A lifelong learner, she believes that  use of innovative practices in the classroom and administration can take our institution to great heights. A doctorate pursuant in Phonics, she loves to read and enjoys singing.

Ritu Gupta

Ritu V.Gupta is the Supervisor of the Secondary Section and has served the institution for over 28  years .Teaching has been a joyous experience for her and feels that only a teacher can  awaken joy in creative young minds. It gives her immense pleasure to be with children and engage in discussions with some of their thoughtful questions and watch their young minds grow.  

During her journey of teaching and learning, she was trained as a MCC instructor and is currently a SSC moderator. She believes that failure will never overtake her if her determination to succeed is strong enough.


Pre-Primary Staff

Primary Staff

Secondary Staff



As a capacity building organization, Adhyayan Foundation seeks to improve the leadership and governance of teaching and learning in schools & have been refining the process of evidence-based self-review, benchmarked against global and Indian best practice, for the last 6 years across 390+ schools in 27 States through Adhyayan Quality Education Services. LAHS is a partner school with Adhyayan for over three years.Adhyayan has helped train its Leaders and Teachers. The school has undergone the self review twice with marked improvement at each time.

Action Sports

Jameel started Action Sports in 2014, with an aim to help children to stay Healthy and Fit. “AS” runs Physical Education program in various schools in Mumbai. They also train children to become future athletes and win medals in District, State and National Level competitions.


Nrityanjali-  a leading Institute of performing arts, education , personality development and management services, is founded by Dr Tushar Guha,  who specializes in personality development and emotion management.  LAHS has partnered with Nrityanjali Educational Services  for over a decade . The faculty  regularly conduct life skill sessions for all age groups and aptitude testing for career counselling for the High school students.   LAHS students across all sections participate in the annual Nrityanjali  fest and win many accolades. Nrityanjali has also conducted various teacher training workshops in the school.

Satya Sai

Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas redefines the education system with aiming at blossoming of human excellence so that the child can face various life challenges with dignity, confidence and strong character and grow up to be an ideal citizen to his parents,society, nation and the world. 

 The organisation has been associated with LAHS for over 10 years and uses simple techniques like singing, meditation, storytelling, prayer and other group activities.

Support System

Support Staff

Office Staff


At Little Angels’ we encourage all kinds of exchange of ideas and information, for all the stakeholders. We believe that this leads to an effective and motivating environment for everyone. To develop the students confidence and hone their leadership skills they are given meaningful responsibilities and opportunities to be a part of various committees —-

1) DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE: The school is a safe place for all stakeholders alike and the committee is formed to ensure the same. Be it teasing or maintaining discipline for events, the members of this committee ensure that there is no disruption in a regular school day.
3) CULTURAL COMMITTE: Dance, drama and celebrations of national events are an integral part of LAHS. The Founder’s Day & the Annual Spring Festival are two major events of the year. Other celebrations like Grandparent’s Day, various inter house competitions & ceremonies also form the highlights during the year. The Cultural Committee assists in organising and managing these events and encouraging children to be a part of as many functions as possible.
2) SPORTS COMMITTEE: AT LAHS , we have always believed in an overall growth of the children. Sports and all its related events are a big part of the school culture. This committee assists the Sports teachers to organise events, motivate their peers to participate in various competitions so that they all have an opportunity to inculcate a sportsmanship spirit in all. 
4) ANNUAL  YEAR BOOK  COMMITTEE : The school brings out an Annual Year Book to highlight the events of the academic year. This team consists of an Editorial team who coordinate with the rest of the school to lay out the most interesting and colourful book, a proud display of the school and   a privilege to be featured in.